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Transition to Secondary School

Applying for Secondary School Places:

To apply for a secondary school place, click on the following link:

The application process closes on 31st October each year, so there is plenty of time to make the decision on which school you feel is best for your child.

Making the Decision:

It can be challenging to decide where you feel your child will fit best for the next stage of their education.

We recommend you get a feel for each of the local schools through their Open Days, their school websites (where you will find useful documents such as Ofsted reports and exam results) and by speaking with other parents you know who have children there. It is also a good idea to find out where your child's friends are likely to go, as this will undoubtedly be one of the biggest factors about where they would prefer to go.


School Information:

Coombeshead Academy:

Newton Abbot College:

South Dartmoor Community College:

Torquay Girls’ Grammar:

Torquay Boys’ Grammar:

Teign School:


If you require any further information, all of the schools will welcome contact via email, phone or through their social media. Alternatively, please come and speak with the school office or your child's teacher if you would like our guidance.